Wednesday, January 25, 2012


In many facets of my life, I have believed "facts" that I have held true simply because they were considered common knowledge or because somebody I trusted unvailed them to me. It is amazing to me how simply and effortlessly I will believe something (or rather fall for something in ignorance) that has very little, or no, support. Why do I do this? Why do others do this? I would like to think that it is because I trust the people that have told me these things, but could it stem from something deeper? Perhaps a simple desire to think that what is presented to us should be correct? When watching this video, I began thinking, "Great, now I get to see all of these facts that are untrue." There was not a doubt in my mind that these myth-"busters" would be true. However, by the end of the video, I could not definitively conclude that anything said was true either. Once again, I became a victim of my desire to believe what is presented to me without substantial support. Not only did that take a hold of my intution, but then it played on the common sentiment of cynicism. I partly wanted to believe the video because of the idea that, "Well, these things are from society, and anything from that society should be questioned, and is probably incorrect." While a degree of accepting things at face value, and a level of skepticism or cynicism, is healthy, where do we draw the balance? Where do everyday interactions that are presented to us draw upon either, or both?

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